This is my Solar System Project made using Unity from the Game Design and Development 1 from MSU class at Coursera.

For the project , I added the following modifications:

  1. Added the rest of the 9 planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)
  2. Adjusted the planet size, rotation speed, and revolution speed relatively based on real life values (scaled down for project purposes).
  3. Changed Main Camera Projection from Perspective to Orthographic and adjust Position and Rotation values to reflect a more Isometric view
  4. Changed Main Camera Clipping Planes Far to a higher value to display more planets
  5. Changed Minimap Camera Viewport Rect Width and Height values to display a more square display
  6. Changed Minimap Camera Size to a larger value to display more planets


Created by Juan Dasco


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